About Us

Nikki M. Gelso , Ed.D. ABD


Nikki is an AT/AAC Specialist with 23+ years in public education. She provides assistive technology solutions for students with disabilities in the areas of curriculum access and alternative-augmentative communication. She is one a few people in the U.S. that provide AAC Certification for professionals, a course that has recently expanded to include international students. She is also one of a handful of AAC Specialists with expertise in eye gaze and PODD assessments and implementation. Nikki, along with Diana, is a co-founder/co-chair of the AT Network, a California-based organization dedicated to professional training and networking for AT Specialists and related fields. 

Nikki is completing her doctoral degree in Leadership and Educational Technology from Wilkes University. Additionally, she is credentialed as an Education Specialist. Her passion for technology fuels desires to give back to educational communities. She loves being able to share her knowledge through collaboration. Collaborating with educators and parents is a strength because she wholeheartedly believes everyone on a team makes a difference when working with students. Research is also a passion, and she is interested in access to assistive technology and cybersecurity education. Her knowledge base grows yearly through active research with teams in higher education, attending conferences, and various training seminars. Keeping up with the current trends and innovations in educational and assistive technology is one of her favorite pastimes. 


Diana is an AT/AAC Specialist who

has developed and implemented technology solutions for students with autism, learning disabilities, attention-deficit disorders, intellectual disabilities, orthopedic impairments, visual and hearing impairments and more diverse needs. 

Diana talked about one of her passions, the current state of accessibility in the Bloomberg News. "Some companies in that field have created new software that just made everything so accessible that you could be a person on the other side of the screen, and no one would have a clue that you have any type of disability,” she said, “Technology, definitely nowadays, has been this great equalizer.

Diana teaches an Assistive Technology Certificate course. She has experience navigating complex IEP's and has has served as a speaker on various education topics for parents and educators. She has an Education Specialist Credential in Mild/Moderate Disabilities, and a Master’s in Special Education. Diana is a graduate of California State University, Los Angeles and UCLA. Diana, along with Nikki, is a co-founder/co-chair of the AT Network, a California-based organization dedicated to professional training and networking for AT Specialists and related fields. 

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